Roketsan Growth

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We took a narrow, but interesting, slice from our database to demonstrate this power. Turkey’s
Roketsan Roket Sanayii ve Ticaret. A. Ş. is a munitions supplier that has seen revenue “rocket” over the last few years – per Defense News, a 42% increase overall between 2020 and 2021. Zooming in on weapons sales to Republic of Turkey Ministry of National Defence only, Tamarack projects Roketsan’s revenue from recurring production will grow at least 7% CAGR through 2030. Roketsan’s offerings are myriad, and the firm is picking up international customers at a rapid clip as Turkey’s dynamic defense industry continues to mature, exports (like Baykar Technologies' Bayraktar UAS family) increase, and non-ITAR solutions continue to be in demand around the globe.

The Roketsan market in Turkey alone is growing at 7%

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